Installing pygame 1.9 / seniorplay on snow leopard, without X

Posted by acidjunk on June 23, 2010

Getting pygame going on MAC OSX is not for the fainthearted; so be warned….

It will also take a lot of time

One my first attempt I tried to use the OSX tools as much as possible. This didn’t work after trying all possible combi’s of SDL as OSX framework and SDL as unix lib I tried the mac ports approach.

This is what I did to get it running without having to use an Xserver window

1) Installed Mac Ports:

2) In terminal:

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install py26-game

sudo port install py26-sqlalchemy

Now wait a very long time: almost 2 hours to compile all dependencies (if you didn’t use mac port before)

3) get seniorplay:

svn co…

4) in I changed: noGTK to true; I don’t need GTK now :-)

5) started seniorplay with the mac ports python in /opt/local/bin/python2.6

/opt/local/bin/python2.6 -t seniorplay