Install pygame on Mac OSX via homebrew

Posted by acidjunk on April 14, 2012

The new and easy way is just use the package from as we speak ->


If you want to build it yourself this are the steps on a virgin OSX 10.7 system:

you ‘ll need Xcode 4.2

Install mercurial from the .dmg from Or install mercurial via brew:

brew install mercurial

How to install to the brew supplied python.

brew install python
brew install sdl sdl_image sdl_mixer sdl_ttf smpeg portmidi
brew instal smpeg --HEAD
/usr/local/share/python/easy_install pip
/usr/local/share/python/pip install hg+

With the brew installed python (2.7.3 as we speak) you can also install py2app. I had some problems with py2app 0.6.4 and reported it to the bugtracker, so I installed it with

/usr/local/share/python/easy_install py2app==0.6.3