Setup Unity3d asset server on Linux

Posted by acidjunk on January 22, 2013

Working in a team on a Unity3d project with the Free and even the Pro version is almost impossible. We tried several methods involving GIT and complex .gitignore files but it’s all to complicated in the dynamic environment that we like to call work; It’s very easy to screw up.

So you’ll need an asset server license; Then Unity3D suddenly has a nice version control thingie :-)

For users

You can find the asset server settings via the Windows, Asset Server option. Just make a new project and the set up your asset server connectoion. The easiest way is to login first, then click the “Show Projects” button. Click on the project en choose connect.

asset server1

For administrators

I’ll describe how to set up the server and the steps involved to get the first clients in.

The server package is very straight forward-> on linux it’s a .rpm or a .deb: Install it

RPM based OS:

sudo rpm -Uvh

If this is a new installation, you will also have to supply an initial password for the admin user:

sudo /opt/unity_asset_server/bin/reset_admin_password

DEB based OS:

sudo dpkg -i unity-asset-server_2.0.1_i386.deb

Same password instructions as above.



Moving of scenes and assets did lead to conflicts. So a little planning of project structure is needed. The cool thing about the version stuff is that it integrates into the workflow. When you tried it there is no way back.

Asset history