Acid Blog

To create problemz for solutionz :: a blog about development, science live and music.

Mount a .dmg from Terminal in Mac OS X

Uninstall brew, to do a clean reinstall

Building Fancy DMG Images on Mac OS X

Moving a phpBB to another domain

Downloading picasa webalbums on Ubuntu

As a reminder for myself, the command line options of mc2xml

Using PS3 mediaserver to stream video’s to iPhone/iPad

Installing OS X 10.7 in VmWare Fusion

Lego Mindstorm NXT2.0 on OSX 10.6

Enabling front speakers of MSI AE2050 on Ubuntu 11.10

installing PyQT4 on Mac OSX

Rsync examples

Web2py resources

New python based framework

Block edit / select mode in Eclipse

Some scripts to watch and record TV

Audio line in van een imac gebruiken

Create a new remote GIT branch

howto securely delete/wipe files on linux

Boxee with Ubuntu 11.04