Acid Blog

To create problemz for solutionz :: a blog about development, science live and music.

N7 netwerk tuner bekijken via Boxee

Dual screen setup with gnome shell

ImageMagick for batch processing images

Alle NL radio station in iTunes

Netmasks , reference table

Move mysql to another place without losing data

Using a readonly filesystem with debian unstable

Caching images on iOS4

Intel graphic driver problems with debian solved

Volkskrant OCR probleem opgelost

Switching UIViews on Orientation change with an animation

Debian : howto use pinning

Converting iphone 4 movies to xvid with mplayer / mencoder

Lost MySQL root pass?

Showing progress during dd copy

Cool stuff with Pyglet

Installing childsplay on MAC OSX 10.5 or 10.6 inside Xwindows

First attempt to get Wiimotes working with Ubuntu Lucid

Face detection in a life video stream

Installing pygame 1.9 / seniorplay on snow leopard, without X